KW 3
Komisja Weryfikacyjna 3 (Verification Committee 3)

Komisja Weryfikacyjna 3 (Verification Committee 3)
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Additional Information

Archival catalogue Komisja Weryfikacyjna 3 (eng. 'Verification Committee 3') [archival ID: KW3] is available for download from this web page in both PDF and EXCEL formats (fully searchable).

The catalogue includes personal files of Home Army soldiers, part 1, letters A to K; that is 9217 files (previously 5380 files).

Letters "J" and "K" have been added.

The catalogue is valid from 7/12/2021 until further notice.

The project of archivisation and digitalisation of the KW3 fond and as a result, the new catalogue, was possible thanks to the grant from:

  • the Council of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland (KPRM); specifically, from the Aid Fund for Polonia and Poles abroad. (pol. 'Fundusz Pomocy Polonii i Polakom za granicą').
  • POLONIKA - The National Institute of Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad

PUMST wishes to express its gratitude to both above mentioned organisations as wel as to Jozef Pilsudski Foundation of Lodz Fooundation Silva rerum Polonarum of Czestchowa who facilitaed the delivery of funds and realisation of thie project.  Without their support the project would not be possible. Thank you!

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See also

In this categroy
  • Archival Finding Aids
  • Socjal ;)

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