KW 2(sygn.)
Komisja Weryfikacyjna 1 (Verification Committee 1)

Additional Information
Archival catalogue Komisja Weryfikacyjna 2 (eng. 'Verification Committee 2') [archival ID: KW2] available for download in both PDF and EXCEL formats (fully searchable).
The catalogue includes ALL files in the fond; that is 4482.
The project of archivisation and digitalisation of the KW2 fond and as a result, the new catalogue, was possible thanks to the grant from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (pol. MKiDN); specifically, from the Culture Promotion Fund (pol. 'Fundusz Promcji Kultury').
PUMST wishes to express its gratitude to the MKiDN and Fundacja Silva Rerum Polonarum of Czestochowa. Without their support the project would not be possible. Thank you.
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