The Institute of National Rememberance - Poland

Support and finance for numerous projects at PUMST

POLONIKA The National Institute of Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad was established on 18th of December 2017, as a specialized state institution of culture, founded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The Institute...

Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN) in Warsaw

Archiwum Akt Nowych - Warsaw, Poland

Central Archives of Modern Records (AAN) was created in 1919 and at present is governed by the Head Office of the State Archives (NDAP) in Warsaw. PUMST has been co-operating for over ten years. Since then, qualified archivists from AAN, have...

WWII Museum of Gdańsk - Poland

Muzeum II Wojny Światowej Gdańsk

The Museum of the Second World War (MIIWS), is a Polish cultural institution based in Gdańsk, Poland with whom PUMST has relatively recently begun to work closely. The first result of this co-operation is setting up a new website (this you are...

The Polish Underground Movement (1939-1945) Study Trust

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